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5.3 区块奖励

Block rewards

在奇亚中,发行计划,也称为区块奖励计划,决定了网络上每个区块创建多少 XCH。1 XCH 或 1 奇亚,相当于 1,000,000,000,000 或 1x10^12 或 1 万亿 mojo。所有的共识代码都使用 mojos,奇亚被用作一个方便的更大的单元。


In Chia, the issuance schedule, also referred to as the block reward schedule, determines how many XCH get created with every block that gets farmed on the network. 1 XCH, or 1 Chia, is equivalent to 1,000,000,000,000 or 1x10^12 or 1 trillion mojos. All consensus code uses mojos, Chias are used as a conveniently larger unit.


该网络的第一个区块向奇亚网络公司控制的地址支付了 2100 万 XCH,分为 1/8 硬币和 7/8 硬币。商业白皮书中描述了资金的用途和未来用途。

  • Strategic Reserve (pre-farm)#

The first block of the network pays out 21 million XCH, divided into a 1/8 coin and a 7/8 coin, to an address that Chia Network Inc controls. The purpose and future usage of the funds is described in the business whitepaper.


所有其他硬币都经过一个公式,其中区块奖励从每个区块 2 XCH 开始,每 3 年减半,总共 4 次。发生减半的确切块是 32 * 6 * 24 * 365 * 3 * x,其中 x 是减半的索引,从 1 开始。

0-3 years: 2 XCH3-6 years: 1 XCH6-9 years: 0.5 XCH9-12 years: 0.25 XCH12+: 0.125 XCH

在第 12 年开始后,将永久创建 0.125 XCH。

  • Halvings#

All other coins go through a formula, where the block reward starts at 2 XCH per block, and halves every 3 years, a total of 4 times. The exact block at which halvings occur is 32 * 6 * 24 * 365 * 3 * x, where x is the index of the halving,starting at 1.

0-3 years: 2 XCH3-6 years: 1 XCH6-9 years: 0.5 XCH9-12 years: 0.25 XCH12+: 0.125 XCH

After the start of year 12, 0.125 XCH is created in perpetuity.


在大多数加密货币中,区块的创建者根据当前区块奖励支付自己的费用。 在 Chia 中,有一点不同——区块奖励在未来区块中支付,取决于农民的区块是否是交易区块。

  • 选项 1:如果农民的区块是交易区块,农民将在下一个交易区块获得报酬。
  • 选项 2:如果农民的区块不是交易区块,农民将在下一个交易区块之后的下一个交易区块获得报酬(下一个下一个)。


  • Reward claims#

In most cryptocurrencies, the creator of a block pays themselves based on the current block reward. In Chia, there is a slight difference -- block rewards are paid in a future block, depending on whether the farmer's block is a transaction block or not.

  • Option 1: If the farmer's block is a transaction block, the farmer will get paid on the next transaction block.
  • Option 2: If the farmer's block is not a transaction block, the farmer will get paid on the next transaction block after the next transaction block (next next).

Therefore, Chia coins are never destroyed. In a given block, any portion of a spent coin that is not added into a new coin will be sent to the farmer as a fee. This topic is covered in more detail in

农民 vs 矿池奖励#

区块奖励分为两个硬币。第一个硬币进入农民谜语哈希,由农民指定,通常直接进入农民的钱包。这包含总价值的 1/8(前 3 年为 0.25 XCH)。这被称为农民硬币

价值为 7/8 的第二个硬币称为矿池硬币。 这枚硬币可以去两个地方之一:

  1. 如果为获胜地块指定了矿池公钥,则奖励被发送到由该公钥签名的地址。矿池公钥通常用于单人耕作,直接发送到农民的钱包。
  2. 否则,必须在地块中编码一个矿池地址,并将奖励发送到该地址。矿池地址通常与官方奇亚池化协议一起使用,并使用付费到单例硬币的地址。
  • Farmer vs Pool reward#

The block reward is divided into two coins. The first coin goes to the farmer puzzle hash, which is specified by the farmer, and usually goes straight to the farmer's wallet. This contains 1/8 of the total value (0.25 XCH for the first 3 years). This is referred to as the farmer coin.

The second coin, with 7/8 of the value, is called the pool coin. This coin can go to one of two places:

  1. If a pool public key is specified for the winning plot, then the reward is sent to the address signed by that public key. The pool public key is usually used for solo farming, and sent directly to the farmer's wallet.
  2. Otherwise, a pool address must be encoded into the plot, and the reward is sent to the address. The pool address is usually used along with the official Chia pooling protocol, and a pay-to-singleton address is used.