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4.4 地址


奇亚中的谜语哈希是 32 字节值。这些可以以十六进制显示,但这可能会因拼写错误和糟糕的用户体验而导致错误。因此,奇亚以称为地址的自定义格式显示谜语哈希。使用的编码方案是 bech32m




bech32m 地址有几个吸引人的特点:

  • 如果仅修改一个字符,则校验和会使地址无效。
  • XCH 前缀以区别于其他加密货币。
  • 比十六进制短,比 base58 地址更紧凑(更适合二维码)



Puzzle hashes in chia are 32 byte values. These can be displayed in hex, but this can lead to errors due to typos, and a poor user experience. Therefore, Chia displays puzzle hashes in a custom format called an address.The encoding scheme used is bech32m.

Address: xch1pwrzyy35qxk0rz76jl0648fvt6ql905vwd7zs0scjqant5sf25lql4hz3z

Puzzle hash: 0b8622123401acf18bda97dfaa9d2c5e81f2be8c737c283e18903b35d209553e

An address is just a different way to display the puzzle hash, which contains some additional data (checksum) at the end to find errors. Puzzle hashes can be converted to addresses and vice versa.

bech32m addresses have several features which make them attractive:

  • Checksum which makes addresses invalid if only one character is modified.
  • An XCH prefix to distinguish from other cryptocurrencies.
  • Shorter than hex, and more compact than base58 addresses (and fit better in QR codes)

The blockchain consensus code does not operate with addresses, addresses are only used in user facing applications.